Gaza Unbounded

Gaza Unbounded

The “Flour Massacre” joins the somber history of war massacres, akin to the scene of the girl under napalm attack in My Lai, Vietnam

Israel Dutra 8 mar 2024, 12:49

The ongoing genocide in Palestine exhibits a chilling pattern. Week after week it surpasses the boundaries of aggression, death, and barbaric conditions. Ultimately, ethical, legal, and juridical limits are being forsaken, even when taking into account international military law.

Following the devastation of Gaza’s infrastructure, the Zionist military executed a siege on Rafah and, in the recent week, indiscriminately fired upon hundreds of individuals waiting in line for essential food supplies. This reprehensible act claimed the lives of 112 innocent people, marking the tragic “Flour Massacre,” a somber addition to the annals of war atrocities reminiscent of the poignant image of a girl under napalm attack in My Lai, Vietnam.

The destruction and loss of life extend beyond comprehension, encompassing the deliberate targeting of hospitals, the targeted killings of journalists and artists, and the tragic death toll of 30,000 Palestinians, predominantly women and children. These actions represent a grave departure from any conceivable ethical or moral boundary.

The recent statement from the Itamaraty notes that “the government of Benjamin Netanyahu leading Israel has no ethical or legal boundaries” and disregards “basic rules of humanitarian law.”

The ongoing genocide is unfolding in real-time, broadcasted across various networks and media outlets, reaching billions of viewers on an unprecedented scale in human history. In contrast to past genocides, the current aggression against Gaza is receiving widespread coverage, despite efforts by certain segments of the liberal media to propagate a misleading narrative about the nature of this ongoing assault.

The 25-year-old aviator Aaron Bushnel, an active member of the United States Air Force, immolated himself in a suicide protest against the genocide. His final words were “Free Palestine.”

There are no longer any limits in Gaza. It is imperative to expose the banalization of evil, genocide, and the dehumanization promoted by Israel.

The hypocrisy of the Western bourgeoisie

Netanyahu’s immersion into the harrowing project of death and ethnic cleansing is facilitated by the unwavering support he garners from Western bourgeois governments. This support is starkly evident in the significant backing provided by the United States and the United Kingdom, serving as the principal pillars for Israeli actions. Furthermore, complicity is widespread among major countries, most notably the European Union, Japan, and Australia. The alarming silence of a substantial portion of the Western media further contributes to the permissive environment that enables such actions.

There is evident international discord within the bourgeoisie, marked by a division between liberal and radicalized conservative factions. This contrast is particularly pronounced during the U.S. elections, where Trumpism, tinged with neo-fascist elements, faces off against the Democratic Party led by Biden, upholding democratic values. This dynamic extends beyond the U.S. and is gaining momentum in Europe, shaping diverse projects with opposing worldviews.

The current rise of the far-right seeks regime changes, advocating for a new legal-political framework that tends toward increased repression and ideological regression.

However, concerning the assault on Palestine, both factions converge in unwavering support for the state of Israel. This results in an “eclectic front” that backs the ongoing genocide at the United Nations, in public opinion, and within geopolitical forums. It is crucial to state this unequivocally.

It is crucial to note that both factions respond to and are influenced by the growing mass movement in support of Palestine. Biden and Blinken lean towards a more mediated negotiation approach, while Trump adheres strictly to the right-wing Netanyahu government’s plan for a New Nakba, immediate and unmitigated. For instance, Kamala Harris has recently labeled the situation in Gaza as a “humanitarian catastrophe,” urging an understanding between Israel and Hamas in the Cairo negotiations, where the Israeli diplomatic representation has just announced its non-participation.

The complicity of European Union countries with the genocide set in motion by Netanyahu clashes with reality. In France, where protests in defense of the Palestinian people were criminalized in October, Macron cynically called for “truth, justice, and respect for international law” following the attack on civilians seeking humanitarian aid. First-hour allies of Zionism are seeking a mediated solution, also considering the possibility of international solidarity and resistance gaining more traction. In the media, attempts to impose symmetry weaken as they lose traction in society, as revealed by the Quaest survey: from October until now, the approval of Brazilians for the actions of the State of Israel has dropped by 13 percentage points, while opposition has grown by 14 points – reaching 41%.

A planet of solidarity and resistance

The protests are instigating a notable transformation in the political landscape. Despite facing numerous challenges, they have persevered since October, underscoring widespread support for the Palestinian cause, even in nations where the bourgeoisie has aligned itself with Zionism.

Across many European countries, tens of thousands are actively participating in the largest demonstrations of the 21st century. These gatherings are reminiscent of those that occurred during the struggle against the invasion of Iraq.

Prominent examples of this shift are observed in the United States and England. In the lead-up to the American election, Democrats are increasingly uneasy, with Biden facing questions at all his rallies and public events regarding his stance supporting the ongoing genocide. Union leaders have emerged in favor of a ceasefire, and notable labor figures, including Shaw Fain from UAW, have publicly expressed support for Palestine. As highlighted by Neal Meyer, a leader of the DSA, identifying central tasks includes:

“Defend the pro-Palestinian left in Congress. The members of The Squad (an informal name for the following 8 legislators: Rashida Tlaib of Michigan; Cori Bush of Missouri; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman of New York; Ilhan Omar of Minnesota; Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts; Greg Casar of Texas and Summer Lee of Pennsylvania) have been the foremost advocates for Palestine in national politics, and it is crucial to close ranks with them during this moment.”

In the United Kingdom, the setting for the most substantial protests against the aggression in Gaza, with marches attracting up to 600 thousand people in London, there is a palpable wave of discontent within both the Conservative and Labour parties. Notably, in the Rochdale by-election, a symbolically significant district, official candidates were defeated by the veteran left-wing activist George Galloway, primarily due to his steadfast support for Palestine.

There is an entire “objective” field constituted by actions from unions, intellectuals, parliamentarians, and artists. This will have both immediate and historical repercussions, marking a before and after the genocide.

“Stop, Netanyahu, the genocidal!”

It is of utmost importance to intensify every effort to put an end to the ongoing genocide. It entails accurately naming it, mobilizing collective action, and securing public support for this cause. This is not just about Gaza; it extends to a reconfiguration of diplomatic relations, military agendas, and geopolitics at large.

Furthermore, the normalization of Netanyahu’s supremacism challenges a new understanding of the human condition, as articulated by Hannah Arendt, Primo Levi, and more recently Enzo Traverso.

It is essential to scrutinize countries, institutions, and individuals supporting Israel—whether explicitly or through the “two demons” theory—to ascertain if they will persist in trivializing evil through endorsement, complicity, or omission.

The paramount call is to champion an instant ceasefire, the right of return, the release of Palestinian prisoners, and the defense of Palestinian self-determination in Gaza and the West Bank. Putting an immediate stop to Netanyahu’s actions is humanity’s most pressing task.

Israel Dutra is a sociologist, Secretary of Social Movements for PSOL, a member of the party’s National Directorate and associated with the Left Socialist Movement (MES/PSOL).

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